S.Pellegrino Young Chef 2016 Grand Final: live streaming
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Following months of intense regional competition we are now ready for the S.Pellegrino Young Chef 2016 Grand Final which takes place from 13-15 October in Milan, Italy.
Over 3,000 chefs entered the global search to find the best young talent in the world. Of those, 200 young chefs were short-listed for the 20 regional semi-finals. After winning their regional final each of the 20 Young Chef finalists were paired up with a mentor who was also on the local selection panel. Over the past months they have worked closely with their mentors to perfect their signature dishes ready to present to seven of the world’s top chefs at the Grand Final.
In an exciting first two days the 20 finalists, with the support of their mentors, prepared their signature dishes in Milan. Ten chefs cooked each day and, after presenting their dishes, faced a grilling from the Grand Jury.
Known as the Seven Sages, this top-notch panel is composed of Gaggan Anand, Elena Arzak, Mauro Colagreco, Carlo Cracco, Wylie Dufresne, David Higgs and Roberta Sudbrack.
At the end of the second day the three finalists, who now go forward to the third and final day, were announced. The finalists are: Shintaro Awa (representing France), David Andrés (representing Spain & Portugal) and Mitch Lienhard (representing the USA).
3 finalists go through to the final day
Day 2: Second 10 chefs compete
Day 1: First 10 chefs compete
Don’t miss the final day’s action live streamed right here and on Facebook on 15 October from 7pm CEST.
And be sure to follow all the action on our social channels using #SPYoungChef.