S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Grand Finale is almost here
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The wait is almost over, and the heady aroma of a classic culinary event is finally in the air. From 28th to 30th October, Milan will host the Grand Finale of the S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy 2021 competition.
The stage is set for an inspiring and stimulating three days of cooking, competing and, above all, connecting. Bringing together a total of 48 young chef Regional Winners, 12 mentor chefs and a prestigious jury of Seven Sages, the event will feature not only the competition and awards ceremony but also a mouth-watering mix of new educational and networking activities.
One highlight will be the S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Brain Food Forum curated by Fine Dining Lovers, the leading online voice in gastronomy by S.Pellegrino and Acqua Panna. VIP guests Massimo Bottura, Virgilio Martinez and the Seven Sages jury will inspire the young chefs and food enthusiasts present with their experiences and insights.
The 12 finalists competing for the main award, each supported by the mentor who has helped them hone their skills and refine their signature dish for the event, will cook in front of the Seven Sages. This esteemed panel of renowned chefs - whose advice to their younger selves can be read in a series of letters published on the Fine Dining Lovers website - will judge every dish to determine the ultimate winner of the S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy 2021 competition.
Three awards at this year's event reflect S.Pellegrino’s belief in the transformative power of gastronomy. The Acqua Panna Award for Connection in Gastronomy will go to the chef whose dish best reflects the connection between different cultures. Meanwhile, the S.Pellegrino Award for Social Responsibility will recognise the chef whose dish best represents the principle of food as a result of socially responsible practices. And finally, the Fine Dining Lovers Food for Thought Award - voted for by the FDL online community around the world - will go to the young chef who best represents their own personal belief within their dish. All 36 regional winners of these awards are invited to the Grand Finale in Milan, offering them further opportunities to network with some of the biggest names in global gastronomy.
The event will be covered on the S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy website and social media channels, with highlights being live streamed. To find out more about the entire exciting initiative visit: https://www.sanpellegrinoyoungchefacademy.com/.